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CFAS SMART Grant Application 2024

Mar 18, 2024 - Jun 2, 2024

One submission per member. Do not forget to answer all questions!

The Smart grants are to provide financial assistance to explore important issues related to fertility that are not currently funded by other granting agencies. In particular, CFAS want to support projects related to data analysis with BORN or other valid sources of information. All projects must align with the CFAS’s mission and values.


Applications must conform to the instructions below.

  1. Individual applicants may only submit one proposal per year.
  2. Applicants must submit a mid-year report upon request from the Board of Directors
  3. The results of research projects must be submitted as an abstract and presented to the CFAS Annual Meeting of the following year. If absolutely no results are available for submission and presentation, a one-page report explaining the reasons must be sent to the CFAS Board.
  4. Applications are to be submitted on letter size (8.5 x 11 inches) paper, using 12-point Arial font, and be no longer than 2 pages, with the following format:

Include the following elements your application:

- Project title

- Applicants

  • Co-investigator(s) (name, affiliations, primary place of work/employment)
  • Principal investigator (name, affiliations, primary place of work/employment)

- Project description

  • Hypotheses to be tested, aim(s) of research and significance of research to the field of human reproduction and fertility

- Rationale

1. Experimental design (if pertinent)

  • Include study design (if pertinent)
  • Include patient inclusion and exclusion criteria (if pertinent)
  • Include number of patients, oocytes, embryos etc. (if pertinent)
  • Include brief description of methodology
  • Include endpoints of project and time line for milestones

2. Value of the information, including:

  • To the scientist (e.g., preliminary results for a grant)
  • To the clinic/physicians, embryologist, nurse etc.
  • To the patient (population)

3. Ethics approval requirements (if required, funding will be held until proof of approval is received)

4. Budget (on a third page)

  1. Materials
  2. Salaries
  3. Other

The awardee must provide CFAS with interim reports, detailing the status of their research, at the 6 month mark and 1 year mark (conclusion of project). In addition, the awardee must present their results at the subsequent CFAS Annual Meeting.