Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference
1. Preamble
The Andrology Laboratory Special Interest Group is a body of both clinical and research andrology professionals interested in the upgrading of knowledge and skills relevant to their area of practice.
Professional knowledge is a dynamic, ongoing process, which enhances
problem-solving skills, bolsters credibility and ensures that quality care is paramount.
2. Mandate
The mandate of the Andrology Special Interest Group (Andrology-SIG) is to foster consistent improvement in access to care, clinical evaluation, diagnosis and management of in Canada by promoting the ongoing education and professional development of Andrology professionals, and by encouraging practical cooperation between Andrologists and centres involved with treatment of patients affected by infertility.
3. Objectives
3.1. To increase the profile of Andrology professionals in Canada.
3.2. To represent the voice of Andrology professionals on professional standards.
3.3. To act as a resource for Andrology professionals.
3.4. To promote a communication for the exchange of ideas and information.
3.5. To promote continuing education programs, which reflect current issues and trends, and meet the needs and requirements of Andrology professionals
3.6. To liaise with researchers on studies involving human reproductive material.
4. Membership
Andrology professionals who are members of CFAS interested or involved in the delivery or direction of Andrology services.
5. Governance
The Andrology SIG is governed by an Executive Committee consisting of no less than five members and headed by a Chair and Vice-chair .
The Executive Committee governs in accordance with the CFAS Special Interest Groups Relationships and Guidelines.
5.1. Election process:
5.1.1. A call for nominations to the positions available on the Executive Committee will be broadcast annually to the SIG members by email and through the CFAS web site.
5.1.2. Nominations for these positions must be made by members of the SIG in writing (email fax or mail) and must be received by the Chair each year.
5.1.3. The Chair will contact nominees to accept nominations.
5.1.4. A list of candidates, including short biographies, will be posted on the ART Lab SIG page of the CFAS web site each year.
5.1.5. Votes can be cast by members of the SIG.
5.1.6. The names of the successful candidates will be announced to the membership at the SIG annual assembly.
5.2. Terms in office:
5.2.1. The Chair and Vice-chair are elected for a term of two years. The Chair and/or Vice-chair can be re-elected for a second term.
5.2.2. The outgoing Chair will sit as Past Chair at the end of their term in office.
5.2.3. The Executive Committee officers are elected for a term of three years.
5.2.4. There should be no more than two officers rotating on any given year to promote continuity.
5.3. Roles and Responsibilities:
5.3.1. The Executive Committee plans and organises activities to achieve the objectives of the SIG.
5.3.2. The Vice-chair assumes the responsibilities of the chair in his/her absence.
5.3.3. The Executive Committee must hold at least two business meetings (one in person and the other either electronic or teleconference) each year. The Chair will act as moderator at these meetings. There is quorum when at least three members of the Executive Committee are present at a meeting. Every matter is determined by a majority of votes.
5.3.4. The Executive Committee must keep minutes of these business meetings.
5.3.5. The Executive Committee must organise one general assembly of the membership each
year. The Chair will act as moderator at this assembly.
5.3.6. The Executive Committee must present a report of the activities of the preceding year at the general assembly.
5.3.7. The Executive Committee must present the plans for the next year at the general assembly. Planned activities must be approved by the membership.
5.3.8. The Chair must provide an annual report each year to the CFAS Executive Director. It should summarise the Andrology SIG’s activities of the preceding year and state proposed plans for the next year.
5.3.9. The Chair meets with the CFAS President and staff on an annual basis to discuss their plans for the year and other issues of interest.
6. Revision policy
The Executive Committee will undertake a comprehensive revision of this document every five years and submit the proposed changes to the membership for approval prior to submission to the CFAS Board.