


The SRE SIG and Reproductive Genetics SIG are hosting a Preconference Symposium - “From Gametes to Embryos – Ensuring Genetic Integrity” 

This event will take place Wednesday, September 18, 2019, the day before the CFAS 2019 Annual Meeting.


 We will review current knowledge on cellular and environmental mechanisms that regulate the segregation of chromosomes during meiotic and mitotic divisions and affect the integrity of the genome during gametogenesis and early embryogenesis.    

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this session, participants will be able to
  • Identify factors that contribute to aneuploidy in normal physiological processes and in ART
  • Describe strategies to reduce aneuploidy in human oocytes
  • Describe current and future advances in knowledge related to in vitro gametes and embryos and the assessment of genetic integrity

Register now!


From Gametes to Embryos – Ensuring Genetic Integrity
Wednesday September 18th 2019 
Shaw Centre – Meeting Room 201
55 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON K1N 9J2
11:30 am-4:30 pm
11:30 am: Registration and Lunch
12:30 pm: Opening remarks
12:40 pm: Marc-André Sirard (Université de Laval, Canada)
Evolutionary perspectives on aneuploidy
1:15 pm: Simon Fishel (CARE Fertility Group, UK)
Clinical consequences of deviating from the norm 
1:50 pm: Greg Fitzharris (Université de Montréal, Canada)
How and why it goes wrong
2:25 pm: Johné Liu (Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Canada)
Reversing/preventing aneuploidy in oocytes
3:00-3:20 pm: Break/Room refresh
3:20 pm: Evelyn Telfer (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Ploidy challenges and the future of in vitro oogenesis
3:55 pm: Gerald Schatten (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Past, present and future of segregating chromosomes in gametes
4:20 pm: Final Remarks

Organizing Committee:

Marc-André Sirard, Université de Laval
Jay Baltz, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Greg Fitzharris, Université de Montréal
Andrée Gauthier-Fisher, CReATe Fertility Centre
Svetlana Madjunkova, CReATe Fertility Centre 

Generously Sponsored by CFAS and Vitrolife