For the Public
Update on Zika Virus
Dear CFAS members,
Recently, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an update regarding guidance for preconceptual counselling and prevention of sexual transmission of Zika virus for men with possible Zika virus exposure
Unlike previous recommendations, the CDC now recommends abstinence or condom use for a minimum of three (3) months after symptom onset or last possible Zika virus exposure in men prior to trying to conceive. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) has also updated their Zika Guidance document to reflect updated CDC recommendations
Members are advised that the Public Health Agency of Canada recommends a three (3) month interval of abstinence or condom use. Members are advised that the Public Health Agency of Canada has also updated their recommendations and support the 3 month wait for those providing sperm for pregnancy.
The CFAS Office