Annual SSR-CFAS Exchange Lecturer Nomination 2023
The award winner will attend the 56th Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR) Annual Meeting and give the SSR-CFAS Exchange Lecture! The SSR 56th Annual Meeting will take place in Ottawa, from July 11th to the 14th.
Consider someone who:
- Conducts research that would be of significance to the members of SSR
- Has experience communicating scientific results (conferences, teaching, publications in the scientific literature)
- Is a trailblazer in their field of research and demonstrates superior knowledge and expertise in the reproductive science and/or medicine
CFAS will provide travel support from the speaker's home to and from the destination airport and incurred food expenses, while SSR will cover ground transportation from the destination airport to the conference hotel, up to four nights hotel accommodation, waive the speaker's conference registration fee, and cover the cost of a conference dinner ticket.
Eligibility Criteria:
CFAS members in good standing can nominate themselves or a colleague.
Nominee must be a mid-career stage basic scientist or clinician-scientist holding a faculty appointment at a Canadian University or accredited Research Institution.
Nominee must be a CFAS member.
Nomination/Selection Process:
Fill out the nomination form and submit it, along with the nominee's CV and cover letter, by January 15th, 2023.
Please upload all documents as PDFs.
A review committee composed of members of the CFAS Research in Reproductive Science Special Interest Group will review nominations and make a recommendation to the CFAS Board for approval.