Annual ASRM-CFAS Exchange Lecturer Nomination
The award winner will attend the 2022 American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Meeting and give the ASRM-CFAS Exchange Lecture!
Consider someone who:
- Conducts research that would be of significance to the members of ASRM
- Has experience communicating scientific results (conferences, teaching, publications in the scientific literature)
- Is a trailblazer in their field of research and demonstrates superior knowledge and expertise in the reproductive science and/or medicine
CFAS will provide travel support, more information will be communicated in the official award letter, while ASRM will waive the speaker's conference registration fee.
Eligibility Criteria:
CFAS members in good standing can nominate a colleague
Nominee must be a mid-career stage basic scientist or clinician-scientist holding a faculty appointment at a Canadian University or accredited Research Institution
Nominee must be a CFAS member
Nomination/Selection Process:
Fill out the nomination form and submit it, along with the nominee's CV and cover letter, by May 22nd, 2022.
Please upload all documents as PDFs.
A CFAS review committee will review nominations and make a recommendation to the CFAS Board for approval at the May Board Meeting. The CFAS President will announce the 2022 ASRM-CFAS Exchange Lecturer award winner at the CFAS Annual Conference in Halifax.