
The CFAS Award of Excellence in Reproductive Medicine

Each year, the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society has the honour of granting several prestigious awards to its well-deserving members who dedicate their careers to making a lasting contribution to the field of assisted reproduction. 

Description of Award

The Award of Excellence in Reproductive Medicine is awarded to any individual who demonstrates tremendous dedication to advancing the field of Reproductive Medicine and Science. The CFAS grants two Awards of Excellence each year and any professional in the field of ART who meets the criteria can apply or be nominated. 

The recipients of the Awards of Excellence will each receive a certificate, 2 President's Dinner Tickets, and a trophy.

If you know a colleague who meets these criteria, acknowledge their dedication and hard work and let them know how much they are appreciated by nominating them today!

CLOSING DATE: May 22nd, 2022


Submit Your Award of Excellence Nomination Here